Section 1


The audit committee (the “

”) is a committee of the board of directors (the “

”) of

Audit Committee


Mercer Park Opportunities Corp. (the “

”). The primary function of the Audit Committee is to assist the


directors of the Corporation in fulfilling their applicable roles by:








recommending to the Board the appointment and compensation of the Corporation’s external


overseeing the work of the external auditor, including the resolution of disagreements between the

external auditor and management;

pre-approving all non-audit services (or delegating such pre-approval if and to the extent permitted

by law) to be provided to the Corporation by the Corporation’s external auditor;

satisfying themselves that adequate procedures are in place for the review of the Corporation’s

public disclosure of financial information, other than those described in (g) below, extracted or

derived from its financial statements, including periodically assessing the adequacy of such


establishing procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the

Corporation regarding accounting, internal controls or auditing matters, and for the confidential,

anonymous submission by employees of the Corporation of concerns regarding questionable

accounting or auditing matters;

reviewing and approving any proposed hiring of current or former partner or employee of the

current and former auditor of the Corporation; and

reviewing and approving the annual and interim financial statements, related Management

Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) and other financial information provided by the Corporation

to any governmental body or the public.

The Audit Committee should primarily fulfill these roles by carrying out the activities enumerated in this

Charter. However, it is not the duty of the Audit Committee to prepare financial statements, to plan or conduct

internal or external audits, to determine that the financial statements are complete and accurate and are in

accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, to conduct investigations, or to assure

compliance with laws and regulations or the Corporation’s internal policies, procedures and controls, as these are the

responsibility of management, and in certain cases, the external auditor.

Section 2


In contributing to the Audit Committee’s discharge of its duties under this Charter, each member of the ​Audit Committee shall be obliged only to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person ​would exercise in comparable circumstances. Nothing in this Charter is intended to be, or may be construed as, ​imposing on any members of the Audit Committee a standard of care or diligence that is in any way more onerous or ​extensive than the standard to which the directors are subject.

Members of the Audit Committee are entitled to rely, absent actual knowledge to the contrary, on (i) the

integrity of the persons and organizations from whom they receive information, (ii) the accuracy and completeness

of the information provided, (iii) representations made by management as to the non-audit services provided to the

Corporation by the external auditor, (iv) financial statements of the Corporation represented to them by a member of

management or in a written report of the external auditors to present fairly the financial position of the Corporation


in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and (v) any report of a lawyer, accountant, engineer, ​appraiser or other person whose profession lends credibility to a statement made by any such person.

Section 3


The Audit Committee should be comprised of not less than three directors as determined by the Board, all ​of whom shall be independent within the meaning of NI 52-110 – Audit Committees (“52-110”) of the Canadian ​Securities Administrators (or exempt therefrom), and free of any relationship that, in the opinion of the Board, ​would interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment as a member of the Audit Committee. All ​members of the Audit Committee should have (or should gain within a reasonable period of time after appointment) ​a working familiarity with basic finance and accounting practices. At least one member of the Audit Committee ​should have accounting or related financial management expertise and be considered a financial expert. Each ​member should be “financially literate” within the meaning of 52-110. The Audit Committee members may enhance ​their familiarity with finance and accounting by participating in educational programs conducted by the Corporation ​or an outside consultant.

The members of the Audit Committee shall be elected by the Board on an annual basis or until their

successors shall be duly appointed. Unless a Chair of the Audit Committee (the “Chair”) is elected by the full

Board, the members of the Audit Committee may designate a Chair by majority vote of the full Audit Committee


In addition, the Audit Committee members should meet all of the requirements for members of audit

committees as defined from time to time under applicable legislation and the rules of any stock exchange on which

the Corporation’s securities are listed or traded.

The Audit Committee should meet at least four times annually, or more frequently as circumstances

require. The Audit Committee should meet within forty-five (45) days following the end of the first three financial

quarters to review and discuss the unaudited financial results for the preceding quarter and the related MD&A, and

should meet within 90 days following the end of the fiscal year end to review and discuss the audited financial

results for the preceding quarter and year and the related MD&A.

The Audit Committee may ask members of management or others to attend meetings and provide pertinent

information as necessary. For purposes of performing their duties, members of the Audit Committee shall have full

access to all corporate information and any other information deemed appropriate by them, and shall be permitted to

discuss such information and any other matters relating to the financial position of the Corporation with senior

employees, officers and the external auditor of the Corporation, and others as they consider appropriate.

For greater certainty, management is indirectly accountable to the Audit Committee and is responsible for

the timeliness and integrity of the financial reporting and information presented to the Board.

In order to foster open communication, the Audit Committee or its Chair should meet at least annually with

management and the external auditor in separate sessions to discuss any matters that the Audit Committee or each of

these groups believes should be discussed privately. In addition, the Audit Committee or its Chair should meet with

management quarterly in connection with the Corporation’s interim financial statements.

A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Audit Committee shall be a majority of the

number of members of the Audit Committee or such greater number as the Audit Committee shall by resolution


Meetings of the Audit Committee shall be held from time to time and at such place as any member of the

Audit Committee shall determine upon 48 hours’ notice to each of its members. The notice period may be waived by

all members of the Audit Committee. Each of the Chair of the Board, the external auditor, the Chief Executive

Officer, the Chief Financial Officer or the Corporate Secretary shall be entitled to request that any member of the

Audit Committee call a meeting.


This Charter is subject in all respects to the Corporation’s memorandum and articles of association from

time to time.

Section 4


As part of its function in assisting the Board in fulfilling its oversight role (and without limiting the

generality of the Audit Committee’s role), the Audit Committee should:







Determine any desired agenda items;

Review and recommend to the Board changes to this Charter, as considered appropriate from time to time;

Review the public disclosure regarding the Audit Committee required by 52-110;

Review and seek to ensure that disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial

reporting frameworks are operational and functional;

Summarize in the Corporation’s annual information form the Audit Committee’s composition and

activities, as required; and

Submit the minutes of all meetings of the Audit Committee to the Board upon request.

Documents / Reports Review


(8) ​(9) ​(10)

Review and recommend to the Board for approval the Corporation’s annual and interim financial ​statements, including any certification, report, opinion, undertaking or review rendered by the external ​auditor and the related MD&A, as well as such other financial information of the Corporation provided to ​the public or any governmental body as the Audit Committee or the Board require.

Review other financial information provided to any governmental body or the public as they see fit.

Review, recommend and approve any of the Corporation’s press releases that contain financial information.

Seek to satisfy itself and ensure that adequate procedures are in place for the review of the Corporation’s

public disclosure of financial information extracted or derived from the Corporation’s financial statements

and related MD&A and periodically assess the adequacy of those procedures.

External Auditor






Recommend to the Board the selection of the external auditor, considering independence and effectiveness, ​and review the fees and other compensation to be paid to the external auditor.

Review and seek to ensure that all financial information provided to the public or any governmental body,

as required, provides for the fair presentation of the Corporation’s financial condition, financial

performance and cash flow.

Instruct the external auditor that its ultimate client is not management and that it is required to report

directly to the Audit Committee, and not management.

Monitor the relationship between management and the external auditor including reviewing any

management letters or other reports of the external auditor and discussing any material differences of

opinion between management and the external auditor.

Review and discuss, on an annual basis, with the external auditor all significant relationships it has with the

Corporation to determine the external auditor’s independence.







Pre-approve all non-audit services (or delegate such pre-approval, as the Audit Committee may determine ​and as permitted by applicable Canadian securities laws) to be provided by the external auditor.

Review the performance of the external auditor and any proposed discharge of the external auditor when

circumstances warrant.

Periodically consult with the external auditor out of the presence of management about significant risks or

exposures, internal controls and other steps that management has taken to control such risks, and the

fullness and accuracy of the financial statements, including the adequacy of internal controls to expose any

payments, transactions or procedures that might be deemed illegal or otherwise improper.

Communicate directly with the external auditor and arrange for the external auditor to be available to the

Audit Committee and the full Board as needed.

Review and approve any proposed hiring by the Corporation of current or former partners or employees of

the current (and any former) external auditor of the Corporation.

Audit Process





Review the scope, plan and results of the external auditor’s audit and reviews, including the auditor’s ​engagement letter, the post-audit management letter, if any, and the form of the audit report. The Audit ​Committee may authorize the external auditor to perform supplemental reviews, audits or other work as ​deemed desirable.

Following completion of the annual audit and quarterly reviews, review separately with each of

management and the external auditor any significant changes to planned procedures, any difficulties

encountered during the course of the audit and, if applicable, reviews, including any restrictions on the

scope of work or access to required information and the cooperation that the external auditor received

during the course of the audit and, if applicable, reviews.

Review any significant disagreements among management and the external auditor in connection with the

preparation of the financial statements.

Where there are significant unsettled issues between management and the external auditor that do not affect

the audited financial statements, the Audit Committee shall seek to ensure that there is an agreed course of

action leading to the resolution of such matters.

Financial Reporting Processes





Review the integrity of the financial reporting processes, both internal and external, in consultation with the ​external auditor as they see fit.

Consider the external auditor’s judgments about the quality, transparency and appropriateness, not just the

acceptability, of the Corporation’s accounting principles and financial disclosure practices, as applied in its

financial reporting, including the degree of aggressiveness or conservatism of its accounting principles and

underlying estimates, and whether those principles are common practices or are minority practices.

Review all material balance sheet issues, material contingent obligations (including those associated with

material acquisitions or dispositions) and material related party transactions.

Review with management and the external auditor the Corporation’s accounting policies and any changes

that are proposed to be made thereto, including all critical accounting policies and practices used, any

alternative treatments of financial information that have been discussed with management, the ramification

of their use and the external auditor’s preferred treatment and any other material communications with

management with respect thereto.





Review the disclosure and impact of contingencies and the reasonableness of the provisions, reserves and ​estimates that may have a material impact on financial reporting.

If considered appropriate, establish separate systems of reporting to the Audit Committee by each of

management and the external auditor.

Periodically consider the need for an internal audit function, if not present.

Risk Management


Review program of risk assessment and steps taken to address significant risks or exposures of all types, ​including insurance coverage and tax compliance.






With prior Board approval, the Audit Committee may at its discretion retain independent counsel, ​accountants and other professionals to assist it in the conduct of its activities and to set and pay (as an ​expense of the Corporation) the compensation for any such advisors.

Respond to requests by the Board with respect to the functions and activities that the Board requests the

Audit Committee to perform.

Periodically review this Charter and, if the Audit Committee deems appropriate, recommend to the Board

changes to this Charter.

Review the public disclosure regarding the Audit Committee required from time to time by applicable

Canadian securities laws, including:






the Charter of the Audit Committee;

the composition of the Audit Committee;

the relevant education and experience of each member of the Audit Committee;

the external auditor services and fees; and

such other matters as the Corporation is required to disclose concerning the Audit




Review in advance, and approve, the hiring and appointment of the Corporation’s senior financial

executives by the Corporation, if any.

Perform any other activities as the Audit Committee deems necessary or appropriate including ensuring all

regulatory documents are compiled to meet Committee reporting obligations under 52-110.

Section 5


Submitting a Complaint


Anyone may submit a complaint regarding conduct by the Corporation or its employees or agents ​(including its independent auditors) reasonably believed to involve questionable accounting, internal ​accounting controls or auditing matters. The Chair should oversee treatment of such complaints.



The Chair will be responsible for the receipt and administration of employee complaints.



In order to preserve anonymity when submitting a complaint regarding questionable accounting or auditing ​matters, the employee may submit a complaint confidentially.



The Chair should review and investigate the complaint. Corrective action will be taken when and as ​warranted in the Chair’s discretion.



The identity of the complainant and the details of the investigation should be kept confidential throughout ​the investigatory process.

Records and Report


The Chair should maintain a log of complaints, tracking their receipt, investigation, findings and resolution, ​and should prepare a summary report for the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee is a committee of the Board and is not and shall not be deemed to be an agent of the

Corporation’s securityholders for any purpose whatsoever. The Board may, from time to time, permit departures

from the terms hereof, either prospectively or retrospectively, and no provision contained herein is intended to give

rise to civil liability to securityholders of the Corporation or other liability whatsoever.
